Nanoscience and Microsystems ETDs

Publication Date

Fall 10-27-2020


In recent decades, metallic nanostructures have been extensively studied for a variety of applications due to the ability to support surface plasmons. These excitations, which consist of collective resonant oscillations of the conduction electrons, couple strongly to visible light, confining it into subwavelength volumes. In the first part of this work, we study the optical response of metallic nanostructures supported by metallic substrates. We demonstrate that these systems support a charge transfer plasmon mode, whose frequency is primarily determined by the geometry of the contact area between the nanoparticle and the substrate. In the following part, we exploit this knowledge to explain the optical properties of daguerreotypes, the first successful photographic technology. In the last part of this thesis, we demonstrate that, thanks to their plasmons, titanium nitride nanoparticles can act as efficient photocatalysts outperforming conventional plasmonic materials.


Plasmon, Substrate Particle Interactions, Daguerreotype, Plasmon Enhanced Photochemistry

Document Type




Degree Name

Nanoscience and Microsystems

Level of Degree


Department Name

Nanoscience and Microsystems

First Committee Member (Chair)

Alejandro Manjavacas

Second Committee Member

Terefe Habteyes

Third Committee Member

David Dunlap

Fourth Committee Member

Francisco Elohim Becerra Chavez
