"A Community Based Micro Hydro: A Promising Technology for Rural Develo" by Bishwa Koirala


Bishwa Koirala

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The study finds that micro hydro (MH) has significant impact on reduction in fuel wood consumption. Communities are more inclined to harvest fuel wood from government forest. These led to the promotion of MH for forest conservation in rural Nepal. The study reveals that children have significantly less intensity to go for fuel wood collection. Their saved time can be used for study. The study shows a positive impact on time saving of rural women for fuel wood collection; however, a detail study is essential to conclude the finding. A policy measure for an increase installation of MH in rural areas of Nepal is ensued. The study comes to conclude that the MH has positive impact on income but further detail analysis would help to the find the critical point how much the electricity has to be available for a significant change.


