"CrowdStrike Cyber Incident vs. Past Major Cyber Incidents: Analysis an" by Priyant Banerjee

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 8-2024


On July 19, 2024, a technical malfunction in CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor software led to a global ITdisruption, affecting millions of devices across multiple sectors. This incident, although not a direct cyber-attack, caused significant operational upheavals reminiscent of major past cyber incidents. This paperexplores the CrowdStrike incident in detail, compares it with previous major cyber events, and proposescomprehensive solutions to mitigate such risks in the future.The faulty update from CrowdStrike resulted in widespread system crashes, notably the "Blue Screen ofDeath," paralyzing operations in critical sectors such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. The paperexamines the immediate and cascading effects of the incident, highlighting the vulnerabilities exposed andthe opportunistic cyber threats that emerged in its wake. Drawing comparisons with past cyber incidentslike the WannaCry ransomware attack of 2017 and the SolarWinds breach of 2020, this paper identifiescommon vulnerabilities and response shortcomings. It also delves into the strategic measures employedduring these past incidents, evaluating their effectiveness and relevance to the CrowdStrike situation.To address such incidents proactively, the paper recommends enhanced testing protocols for softwareupdates, the development of automated rollback mechanisms, and the establishment of robust disasterrecovery plans. Emphasis is placed on the need for clear communication strategies and improved incidentresponse frameworks to mitigate both technical faults and associated cyber threats.The CrowdStrike incident underscores the complexities and interconnected risks inherent in moderncybersecurity landscapes. By learning from past incidents and implementing the proposed solutions,organizations can bolster their resilience against future cyber disruptions, ensuring greater operationalcontinuity and security.




