Submissions from 1990
Argentina: Chamber Of Deputies Leaders & Economy Minister Oppose Symbolic Interest Arrears Payments, Barbara Khol
Argentina: Notes On Labor Conflicts, Barbara Khol
Bolivia: Soybean Production, Barbara Khol
Brazil: April Foreign Reserves, Barbara Khol
Brazil: Bank Employees Stage Work Stoppage, Barbara Khol
Brazil: British Midland Bank Plc Establishing $1.5 Billion Debt-equity Swap Fund, Barbara Khol
Brazil: Congressional Leaders Propose Change In President's Wage Policy, Barbara Khol
Brazil: Higher Education Cost & Student-teacher Comparisons With 4 Latin American & 2 European Nations (s/s), Barbara Khol
Brazil: May Inflation, Barbara Khol
Brazil: Note On Per Capita Animal Protein Consumption, Barbara Khol
Dominican Republic: Re-election Of President Balaguer Announced After Vote Re-count, Barbara Khol
Haiti To Receive $13 Million From U.S., Barbara Khol
Inter-american Human Rights Commission Warns Mexico On Electoral Practices, Barbara Khol
Mexico Celebrates U.N. World Environment Day, Barbara Khol
Mexico: Commerce Bank Establishes Debt-equity Swap Program, Barbara Khol
Mexico: Note On Maquiladora Industry, Barbara Khol
Mexico: Open Unemployment Declines In First Quarter Of 1990, Barbara Khol
Peru: China To Purchase Fishmeal, Aid In Financing Fishing Vessel Construction, Barbara Khol
Peru: Earthquake Toll, Barbara Khol
Venezuela: On Expected Aid Agreements With Italian & Spanish Governments, Barbara Khol
Venezuela: Protests Against Gasoline Price Hikes Continue, Barbara Khol
Brazil: Notes On Money Supply Growth, New Restrictions, John Neagle
Brazil: Workers At Three Ports Vote In Favor Of Strike, John Neagle
Chinese President Yang Shangkun Visits Chile, John Neagle
Colombia: Notes On Abstention, Final Tallies In Presidential Election, John Neagle
Earthquake In Peru, John Neagle
Faction of Peru's Sendero Luminoso Suspends Armed Struggle, LADB Staff
I.m.f. Resumes Aid To Argentina, Negotiations With Foreign Commercial Bank Creditors Scheduled, John Neagle
Kentucky Fried Chicken To Open Restaurants In Chile, John Neagle
Mexico: Consumer Price Inflation, First Half Of May, John Neagle
On Andean Pact Nations' Foreign Reserves, April (s/s), John Neagle
Peru: Currency Devaluation In May, John Neagle
Peru: Notes On Political Violence, John Neagle
Peru: Notes On Pre-election Violence, John Neagle
Peru: Presidential Candidates On Economic Plans, John Neagle
Venezuela: Gasoline Subsidy To Be Gradually Eliminated, John Neagle
Brazil: Labor Union Federation Organizes General Strike For June 6, John Neagle
Brazil: Railway Employees On Strike; Oil Company Employees To Strike June 6, John Neagle
Cesar Gaviria Elected President of Colombia, LADB Staff
Dominica: Prime Minister Charles Re-elected, John Neagle
Latin American Drug War: Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, LADB Staff
Mexicana De Aviacion Airlines To Purchase 50 Planes From European Consortium Airbus, John Neagle
Mexico: Electricity Rate Hike For Industrial Users, John Neagle
Mexico: New Wage-price Control Pact; Gasoline Prices Increased, Rate Of Peso Devaluation Reduced, John Neagle
Argentina: South Africans To Invest $700 Million In Gold Mine, John Neagle
Belize: Cuba To Provide Medical Training, John Neagle
Brazil: Bus Drivers & Cashiers On Strike In Nine Cities, John Neagle
Brazil: Federal Government To Suspend Credit To State & Municipal Governments In Arrears On Foreign Debt Payments, John Neagle
Brazil: Foreign Reserves, April Foreign Trade Surplus, John Neagle
Brazil: Health System In State Of Chaos, John Neagle
Brazil: Notes On Economic Recession, John Neagle
Brazil: Plans For Talks With I.m.f., Commercial Bankers, John Neagle
Chinese President On Five-nation Tour, John Neagle
Colombia: Currency Devaluation, John Neagle
Jamaica: 1989 Trade Performance, John Neagle
Mexico: Senate Approves Bank Reprivatization, John Neagle
Mexico To Import 1 Million Tons Of Sugar In 1990, John Neagle
Panama: Hundreds Demonstrate Demanding U.S. Compensation For Destroyed Homes, John Neagle
Peru: Update On Labor Conflicts, John Neagle
Switzerland To Restructure $32 Million Of Mexico's Debt, John Neagle
Two New Devaluations Of Nicaraguan Cordoba, John Neagle
Venezuela: 40% Transport Fare Hike; Gasoline Price Increase Postponed, John Neagle
Argentina: Notes On Strikes, Work Stoppages, John Neagle
Bank Of International Settlements Reports Continued Cutback By Private Banks In Loans To Third World, John Neagle
Bolivia: 7,000 Miners On Strike, Protest Privatization Plans, John Neagle
Chile: Farm Association Says Agriculture On Verge Of Crisis, John Neagle
Colombia: Foreign Investment Down In January-april 1990, John Neagle
Colombia: Government Decides To Negotiate With Three Rebel Groups, John Neagle
Colombia: Telecommunications Cable Inaugurated, John Neagle
Colombia: Update On Political Violence, John Neagle
Dominican Republic Presidential Election: Vote Recount, John Neagle
Haiti: Violence, Economic Problems Escalate, John Neagle
Argentina: I.m.f. To Resume Lending Before June 7, John Neagle
Brazil: $300 Million World Bank Loan For Industrial Projects, John Neagle
Brazil: April Trade Surplus, John Neagle
Brazil: Federal Police To Quash Tin Smuggling, John Neagle
Brazil: Foreign Companies No Longer Required To Deposit Money In Central Bank Before Repatriation, John Neagle
Brazil: Government Intervention In Establishing Private Sector Wages Ends, John Neagle
Brazil: Government Plans To Privatize Six Companies Valued At $7 Billion In 1990, John Neagle
Brazil: New Measures To Restrict Money Supply, John Neagle
Brazil: Note On New Trade Policy, John Neagle
Brazil: On Privatization Plans, John Neagle
Brazil: Protest Against Agrarian Reform Delays, Announced Dismissal Of 360,000 Civil Servants, John Neagle
Brazil: Steelworkers Occupy Plant To Protest Privatization, John Neagle
Cuba: On Complaints About U.S. Military Exercises, John Neagle
Cuba Opens New Tourist Hotel, John Neagle
Cuba: Update On Conflict With U.S. Over Tv Marti Transmissions, John Neagle
Mexican Wheat Imports May Increase To 2.2 Million Tons Per Year By 2000, John Neagle
Note On Brazil-japan Trade, John Neagle
Peru: Curfew Imposed In Pasco & Junin Departments, John Neagle
Peru: Note On Inflation, Gdp Growth, John Neagle
Peru: Teachers & Miners On Strike, John Neagle
Sample Of Comments At U.N. Economic Commission For Latin American Ministerial-level Conference, John Neagle
Argentina: April Inflation, 11.4%, John Neagle
Argentina Expected To Resume Talks With I.m.f. This Month, John Neagle
Argentina: On Austerity Policies, Civil Service Employment, Economic Recession, John Neagle
Bolivian Government Announces Decision To Drop Proposed Contract With Lithium Corporation Of America, John Neagle
Brazil: Financial Speculation Returns, John Neagle
Brazil: Government Reports On Two Consecutive Months Of Treasury Surplus, John Neagle
Brazil: On Federal Deficit, John Neagle