New Mexico State Songs
Así Es Nuevo México (New Mexico State Spanish song)
Amadeo Lucero
Photograph is Amadeo Lucero, Sr., in 1979, who was the composer of "Así Es Nuevo México," the New Mexico state Spanish song.
Land of Enchantment (New Mexico State Ballad)
Martin Murphy, Chick Raines, and Don Cook
Cover of Nelson Martinez' album, Besame Mucho!, which contains the track, Land of Enchantment, written by Martin Murphy, Chick Raines and Don Cook. Performed by Nelson Martinez.
O, Fair New Mexico
Elizabeth Garrett and Roberto Mondragon
O Fair New Mexico, the state song of New Mexico was officially selected in 1917. It was adopted as the state song by an act of the New Mexico legislature, approved on March 14, 1917, as signed by Governor Washington E. Lindsey. The author, Elizabeth Garrett, was the daughter of former Lincoln County Sheriff Pat Garrett, the man who killed Billy the Kid.
Under New Mexico Skies (New Mexico State Cowboy Song)
Syd Masters
Cover of Syd Masters' album, Syd Masters: The Cowboy Sings