Document Type



This report was prepared in 1977 by the Four State Indian Health Board, Aberdeen, South Dakota for the Aberdeen Area Indian Health Service. The first phase evaluated IHS health care delivery to Indian people in the Aberdeen area, and accomplished three general objectives: 1) described the contract health care situation for Indian people in the Aberdeen Area; 2) discussed four possible alternatives for improving Indian health care delivery; and 3) made projections of the additional data and analysis required for choosing among these alternatives. The purpose of this study was to provide information to permit conclusions to be formed about the quality of medical care received by Indian people and to make recommendations, where appropriate, with the aim of insuring the adequacy of that care.The study uses both qualitative and quantitative data. Data has been collected and categorized, from records, and results produced in table form. There is an extensive narrative description of the procedures used.Fourteen Tribes/health organizations have submitted either a resolution or a letter of supporting one of the health care alternatives. The large majority of these support Alternative 4--a major Medical Referral Center. Data demonstrates a well-defined need for improved health services for the Indian people of the Aberdeen Area. The Indian people know that necessary measures must be taken, and they have made the following suggestions: 1) an evaluation project be continued into Phase III; 2) steps be taken to bring the health status of the Indian people in the Aberdeen Area to a level comparable to that enjoyed by the general population; 3) a Major Medical Referral Center be established in the Aberdeen Area; 4) a Major Medical Referral Center be a separate appropriation and that funding for the present Service Units or funding for contract care monies not be cut; 5) the location for the Medical Center be determined in accordance with Tribal preferences; 6) the provision for transportation be allowed; 7) the Major Medical Center be fully staffed; and 8) cultural values be considered.

Publication Date



Indian Health Service, Staff Office of Planning, Evaluation and Research, Rockville, MD 20857 (E-32).
