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This report describes the Pawnee Benefit Package Program (PBPP) Actuarial Model. TheActuarial Model is a simulation tool designed to provide a structure within which data can beorganized and cost estimates prepared for a number of IHS program options. Specifically, themodel is intended to simulate the cost implications in the current or future year throughselectively altering cost components such as service utilization rates, prices paid for thoseservices, and limits on annual expenditures per enrollee. The purpose of this study is to presenttutorial for the PBPP Actuarial Model. The ultimate goal of the study is to design a tutorial to describe the flow of the computer program as well as the user prompts and responses that will be encountered. This study uses an approach that can best be labeled as ""descriptive."" A tutorial model (i.e.. the PBPP Actuarial Model) is described in detail so that the user will have the basic programs available to use the model. The descriptions are written with the assumption that the user has experience with BASIC programming and is familiar with spreadsheet programs, specifically, VisiCalc or Lotus 1-2-3. The data used for the basic program has two main sources: 1) 1983 IHS (Headquarters) database and 2) 1978 NCHS data for the total U.S. population. The Actuarial Model will be useful for generating the following reports: 1) aggregate summary of health services for all age-sex groups; 2) aggregate full detailed description of health services for all age-sex groups; 3) aggregate summary of health services for select age-sex groups; (4) aggregate full detailed description of health services for select agesex groups; 5) summary report of health services for a single age-sex group; and 6) full detail report of health services for a single age-sex group. These reports of program options and cost estimates can successfully be generated for both current and future years.Certain recommendations are made concerning the database. First, as more current data is available, the database should be updated. Second, sex-age utilization rates of health services must be monitored over time to ensure that the assumptions underlying the Actuarial Model are accurate. It should be noted that this is an evolving model. As the model is used, experience will indicate the exact list of procedures that are necessary for the model to function most effectively.

Publication Date



Indian Health Service, Staff Office of Planning, Evaluation and Research, Rockville, MD 20857 (E-17).
