Nuclear Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
A mathematical model describing the kinetic response of a reflected fast burst reactor is developed using point reactor theory. The equations of the model are used to derive a reflected inhour relationship and a two region Rossi-alpha equation.
The model is investigated for three reactor-reflector configurations; the bare reactor, the reactor with a radially symmetric steel reflector, and a reactor with a radially symmetric polyethylene reflector. This investigation includes the results of a calculational study using Monte-Carlo techniques and an experimental program using Rossi-alpha, pulsed neutron, and reactor burst techniques on the Sandia Pulsed Reactor SPR II.
A Type I (all counts and all times) multichannel time analyzer, which was designed and built to carry out the Rossialpha experiments, is described. Results of a supplementary experiment show the biasing of the prompt neutron decay constant when measured with a Type III (count-to-count) multichannel time analyzer.
Rossi-alpha measurements at subprompt critical reactivities are used with limited success to predict reflector effects on the super prompt critical behavior of a fast burst reactor. It is considered that significant improvements in the predictions should be attainable with additional development of the Rossi-alpha or similar techniques.
Document Type
Degree Name
Nuclear Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Nuclear Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Robert Leroy Long
Second Committee Member
Glenn Alan Whan
Third Committee Member
Ralph Douglas O'Dell
Recommended Citation
Price, Charles Clayton. "Prompt Neutron Decay Constants in a Reflected Fast Burst Reactor." (1970). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ne_etds/99