Nuclear Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 4-30-2020
A forward analytic model is required to rapidly simulate the neutron time-of-flight (nToF) signals that result from magnetized liner inertial fusion (MagLIF) experiments at Sandia’s Z Pulsed Power Facility. Various experimental parameters, such as the burn-weighted fuel-ion temperature and liner areal density, determine the shape of the nToF signal and are important for characterizing any given MagLIF experiment. Extracting these parameters from measured nToF signals requires an appropriate analytic model that includes the primary DD neutron peak, once-scattered neutrons in the beryllium liner of the MagLIF target, and direct beamline attenuation. Mathematical expressions for this model were derived from the general geometry time- and energy-dependent neutron transport equation with anisotropic scattering. Assumptions consistent with the time-of-flight technique were used to simplify this linear Boltzmann transport equation into a more tractable form. Models of the un-collided and once-collided neutron scalar fluxes were developed for one of the five nToF detector locations at the Z Machine. Numerical results from these models were produced for a representative MagLIF problem and found to be in good agreement with similar radiation transport simulations. Twenty experimental MagLIF data sets were analyzed using the forward models, which were determined to only be sensitive to the ion temperature. The results of this work were found to be in good agreement with values obtained separately using other low and high fidelity models.
neutron time-of-flight, magnetized liner inertial fusion, ion temperature, neutron transport equation, analytical model, Z Pulsed Power Facility
Document Type
Degree Name
Nuclear Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Nuclear Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Christopher Perfetti
Second Committee Member
Gary Cooper
Third Committee Member
Mark Gilmore
Recommended Citation
Weaver, Colin A.. "A Forward Analytic Model of Neutron Time-of-Flight Signals with Single Elastic Scattering and Beamline Attenuation for Inferring Ion Temperatures from MagLIF Experiments." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ne_etds/95