Nuclear Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-15-2016
Short mean free paths are characteristic of charged particles. High energy charged particles often have highly forward peaked scattering cross sections. Transport problems involving such charged particles are also highly optically thick. When problems simultaneously have forward peaked scattering and high optical thickness, their solution, using standard iterative methods, becomes very inefficient. In this dissertation, we explore Fokker-Planck-based acceleration for solving such problems.
Charged particle transport, forward-peaked scattering, synthetic acceleration, Fokker- Planck, Asymptotics
Document Type
Degree Name
Nuclear Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Nuclear Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Anil Prinja
Second Committee Member
Dr. James Warsa
Third Committee Member
Dr. Gary Cooper
Fourth Committee Member
Dr. Mohammed Motamed
Recommended Citation
Patel, Japan K.. "Fokker-Planck-Based Acceleration for SN Equations with Highly Forward Peaked Scattering in Slab Geometry." (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ne_etds/56