Nuclear Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Proton radiography techniques in use at Los Alamos National Lab and elsewhere depend upon permanent magnet quadrupoles in their magnetic optics. Radiation exposure during radiography experiments is known to damage these lenses and degrade image quality. This effect is studied under controlled conditions, leading to the conclusion that nonuniform radiation damage is inherent to the quadrupole configuration and results in increased multipole moments which degrade the imaging performance. Studies on magnet samples suggest that Samarium Cobalt is at least a thousand times more radiation-tolerant and should be used as a replacement for NdFeB in magnetic lenses for high-dose proton radiography.
magnet, PMQ, radiography
Department of Energy
Document Type
Degree Name
Nuclear Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Nuclear Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Cooper, Gary
Second Committee Member
Prinja, Anil K.
Third Committee Member
Merrill, Frank
Fourth Committee Member
Rodriguez, Salvador
Recommended Citation
Danly, Christopher. "Radiation Damage in Permanent Magnet Lenses." (2014). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ne_etds/36