Nuclear Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Extensive calculations have been made of the mean energy loss, pathlength, range, multiple scattering, and pathlength straggling of protons in many materials. Emphasis has been placed on obtaining accurate results, especially for heavy materials and protons of very low energy. Values of the energy loss between .01 and 1.0 Mev were obtained by smoothing and interpolating experimental information. Above 1.0 Mev, the Bethe equation with all the necessary shell corrections has been used. Values of the adjusted ionization potential have been determined by least squares fitting the Bethe equation to all available energy loss data. The polarization effect has been calculated in detail for each material. Ranges have been obtained from the pathlengths by use of multiple coulomb-scattering theory. Tabulations of the range straggling and multiple scattering have been presented for each of the materials. All calculations have been compared with experimental data in order to determine the absolute accuracy. The method used to obtain the K, L, M, N, and O shell corrections is presented. The probability that a proton will undergo a nonelastic nuclear interaction throughout its entire pathlength is also tabulated.
Document Type
Degree Name
Nuclear Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Nuclear Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Lawrence Dare Posey
Second Committee Member
David Michael Lucoff
Third Committee Member
Glenn Alan Whan
Recommended Citation
Janni, Joseph F.. "Comprehensive Calculations of the Parameters Describing Proton Energy Loss in Matter." (1971). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ne_etds/118