Nuclear Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
The present thesis study makes a preliminary technical feasibility study and a preliminary economic study of the Vacuum-Freezing Vapor-Desublimation High Pressure Ice-melting Process that was first introduced by C. Y. Cheng and W. Cheng. In the study, the processing steps are divided up into several key unit operations. Some of these key unit operations are similar to some operations in existing vacuum freezing processes and have already been studied extensively. Some key operations are, however, unique to the process under study. The feasibility study is made by borrowing information for the unit operations that have already been studied in connection with existing vacuum freezing processes and by gathering new information for the unit operations that are unique in the process under study. It has been found that the process is feasible both technically and economically. A more reliable operation is expected in this process than the Vacuum-Freezing Vapor Compression Process and work input may be reduced by about 7.5 Kw-hr per 1000 gallons of product water.
Office of Water Research and Technology
Document Type
Degree Name
Nuclear Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Nuclear Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Chen-Yen Cheng
Second Committee Member
Youn-Chang Hsu
Third Committee Member
Richard Wilson Mead
Recommended Citation
Chung, Ting-Chuan. "Vacuum-Freezing Vapor-Desublimation High Pressure Ice-Melting Process For Water Desalination." (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ne_etds/106