Music ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-13-2020
In this qualitative multi-case study, three college-age music majors from the local state university were interviewed, observed, and asked to complete reflections in order to answer the following questions: How do mindfulness activities affect collegiate double bass music students’ perceptions of their own playing and practicing? My secondary questions were 1) how do mindfulness activities affect flow experiences among collegiate double bass music students, and 2) how do mindfulness activities affect students’ perception of self-care? The interviews were transcribed, coded using “concept coding” (Miler, Huberman, & Saldaña, 2020), and then grouped into categories, themes, and sub-themes. The themes were time, judgement, perceptions of playing, perceptions of practicing, flow, and self-care. The participants, John, Emily, and Gabriel, each reported more positivity in the perception of playing and perception of the act of practicing. They also reported fewer situations of being pulled out of flow states. Finally, John and Gabriel decided to continue pursuing mindfulness meditation as it helped them with their mental well-being. The findings from this study could change how music educators construct their curriculum, and how musicians approach their instrument.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Regina Carlow
Second Committee Member
Dr. Robin Giebelhausen
Third Committee Member
Dr. Elizabeth Petersen
Mindfulness, Flow, Self-Care, Judgment, Perception, Constructive, Sustainability, Music, Music Education
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Brown, Samuel R.. "Mindfulness, Flow and Self-Care for Double Bass Musicians." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/33