Music ETDs
Publication Date
Use Your Words is scored for solo clarinet, flute doubling piccolo, English horn doubling oboe, bass clarinet, two trumpets, two trombones, two percussion, piano doubling celeste, two violins, viola, two cellos, and contrabass, and is approximately 15 minutes in duration. The work is cast in two main sections of similar length, each of which can be viewed as essentially ternary structures. The piece explores the use of pitch collections which avoid occurrences of consecutive closed position members of interval class one, i.e. a minor second, and express interval class one content in the form of major sevenths and minor ninths. Only the most basic concepts of form were preconceived, and the initial materials used at the outset of the work were allowed to generate the specific details of the formal structure.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Hermann, Richard
Second Committee Member
Felberg, David
Clarinet with chamber orchestra--Scores
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Shields, James. "Use Your Words: For Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra." (2010). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/18