Music ETDs
Publication Date
This work reassesses the standard consensus of Zdeněk Fibich’s (1850-1900) compositional aesthetic in his most popular opera Šárka (1896). Through the use of an interdisciplinary analysis, I set out a new interpretation. I evaluate the location of the composer’s output on the nationalistic-cosmopolitan continuum through comparisons with Smetana’s and Wagner’s compositional tendencies, respectively. I correlate Fibich’s place in the Czech political and social situations as well as conceptions of folk music with the role and depiction of gender. A feminist reading of the opera in light of Fibich’s musical treatment deemphasizes the composer’s cosmopolitan side and, contrary to the popular view, illustrates his nationalistic aims.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Bashwiner, David
Second Committee Member
Mabary, Judith
Third Committee Member
Ramirez de Arellano, Adriana
Fibich, Wagner, Smetana, Schulzova, Sírka, Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism, Gender, Opera, Bohemia, Czech
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Gregusova, Barbora. "RECONSIDERING FIBICH’S ŠÁRKA: MYTH, GENDER, AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NATION." (2015). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/15