Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
The following research presents the experimental study of a transient heat load focused onto epoxy-polyamide primer which is used as a corrosion inhibitor coating. The thermal degradation initiation temperature of the epoxy polyamide film increased with increasing heating rates. This coating is a high solids epoxy primer manufactured by Deft Inc. A xenon flash lamp was focused to a one-inch diameter spot size on two types of aluminum substrates; AA2024-T4 and AA7075-T3. Edge effects were not considered for modeling. A ceramic firebrick insulated the aluminum coated disks to ensure that edge effects are negligible. The Forward Time Center Space (FTCS) model was developed to calculate the transient response for a flash loading of the thermal energy. Substrates were shown to have significant impact to energy absorption of the epoxy polyamide film, film surface temperature and absorbed energy.
Coatings--Thermal properties, Epoxy coatings, Polyamides, Thin films.
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Khraishi, Tariq
Second Committee Member
Shen, Yu-Lin
Third Committee Member
Bedeaux, Brett
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Dole, Martin. "Flash heating of epoxy-based corrosion inhibitor thin films on aluminum substrates." (2013). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/72