Mechanical Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-14-2024


Ti-5V-5Mo-5Al-3Cr (Ti-5553) is a near beta titanium alloy commonly used in aerospace applications. It is currently being explored for additive manufacturing (AM), but the fatigue behavior of this AM alloy needs to be well-understood for adoption in aerospace applications. The present work examines the tensile and fatigue behavior of LPBF manufactured Ti-5553. The effect of post-print heat treatments, effects of surface roughness, and print defects on the mechanical properties of AM Ti-5553 were also evaluated. Fatigue lives of as-LPBF and BAA material are nearly identical, and both are far below the fatigue lives of conventionally manufactured Ti-5553 of 350 MPa. Both the as-LPBF and BAA samples exhibit similar fatigue strengths despite their vastly different microstructures. Machined surfaces led to an increase in tensile strength, ductility, and fatigue strength. This work emphasizes the importance of heat treatment and minimization of flaws inherent to AM processing of near-beta Ti-5553.

Degree Name

Mechanical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Pankaj Kumar

Second Committee Member

Yu-Lin Shen

Third Committee Member

Jay Carroll

Document Type




Available for download on Tuesday, May 12, 2026
