Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Poisson’s equation is encountered in many branches of engineering analysis. For example, the velocity distribution of a fluid in steady laminar flow through a duct is described by Poisson’s equation. The stress distribution within cylindrical (including non-circular) torsion bars is described by the same equation. The temperature distribution within a body having distributed internal heat sources is still another physical quantity which requires the solution of Poisson’s equation for its determination. The internal heat sources of this last example may be of electrical, chemical, or nuclear origin.
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Arthur Vincent Houghton III
Second Committee Member
Maurice Wilbert Wildin
Third Committee Member
Karl Thomas Feldman Jr.
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Hanson, Donald L.. "Solution of Poisson's Equation in Two-, and Axisymmetric Three-Dimensional Geometry by Means of a Capacitively-Coupled Conductive Paper Analog." (1966).