Mechanical Engineering ETDs

Publication Date



A three-component force transducer which permits measurement of the vertical force, the cross-track force, and the roll moment about an axis parallel to the track was developed for use on monorail rocket sleds. For this force system it was found that the maximum allowable load for both the vertical and cross-track components was approximately 28,000 pounds, and the maximum allowable roll moment was approximately 45,500 inch-pounds. The transducer, mounted between the slipper and sled, uses strain gages as component sensing elements. The strain gage bridges were statically calibrated for each component of load the transducer was designed to measure. In addition, a comparison between each measured and applied component was made for tests in which more than one component of force was applied simultaneously. The results of these tests showed that under these combined loading conditions the vertical force component could be measured within an accuracy of approximately -5 to + 47 percent, the cross- track component within -7 to + 2 percent, and the roll moment within -5 to + 3 percent.

Degree Name

Mechanical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

William Ernest Baker

Second Committee Member

Richard Charles Dove

Third Committee Member

James Tsu-Ping Yao

Document Type



