Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
This research experimentally investigated microporous Copper (MPC) surfaces for enhancing nucleate boiling and increasing the Critical Heat Flux (CHF) of PF-5060 dielectric liquid and the potential application of the results to immersion cooling of high power computer chips. MPC surfaces of different thicknesses (80—230 \uf06dm), fabricated using conventional electrochemical deposition at high current density, have different morphology and microstructure. The PF-5060 liquid is chemically inert, environmentally friendly, and has low enough saturation temperature (~ 54oC at 0.10 MPa). This helps maintain the chip junctions temperature below that recommended by the chip manufacturer (85-120 oC, depending on the application).'
Boiling Enhancement, Two phase heat transfer, Microporous coating
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Ward, Timothy
Second Committee Member
Heinrich, Juan
Third Committee Member
Leseman, Zayd
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Amir, Ali. "ENHANCEMENT OF SATURATION BOILING OF PF-5060 DIELECTRIC LIQUID ON MICROPOROUS SURFACES." (2014). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/20