Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 9-10-2018
Olecranon fractures are common upper extremity injuries caused by direct trauma to the elbow. Open reduction and internal fixation is the current standard for olecranon fractures that exceed a 2 mm fragment displacement. The tension band wire (TBW) technique is the current standard of care for treating olecranon fractures due to its positive clinical results. However, the complication rate due to prominent hardware is reported to be upwards of 50\%. This research aims to biomechanically test and compare the stiffness and fracture gap of the traditional TBW technique to a low-profile titanium mesh plate (TMP) for chevron-type fractures and osteotomies under cyclic and ramped failure loads. The outcomes of this study may direct surgeons to the use of TMP as an alternative technique that could reduce the reoperation rate as seen in TBW. This research also motivated the design of an innovative low-profile mesh plate for olecranon repair. A finite element analysis was performed to evaluate the proposed implant design.
biomechanical, olecranon, fractures, osteotomies, elbow, fixation, tension band wire, treatment, upper extremity trauma
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Christina Salas
Second Committee Member
Dr. Deana Mercer
Third Committee Member
Dr. Rafael Fierro
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Regalado, Jasmin. "A Biomechanical Comparison of a Low-Profile Mesh Plate Contrasted with Tension Band Wiring Treatment of Olecranon Fractures and Osteotomies." (2018). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/159