Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Existing theory was used to determine the thermal stresses and strains throughout a long thick walled cylinder under equilibrium thermal conditions when the thermal gradient through the wall is dependent on radial position only.
A thick walled cylindrical model, made of a plastic material, was constructed and strain gages were imbedded in and mounted on the cylinder to determine strains at interior and surface locations. The cylinder was subjected to equilibrium and transient thermal conditions and thermal strains were measured. In the equilibrium thermal condition the measured strains were compared with those predicted by theory.
The results show that imbedded strain gages can be used to determine thermal strains at interior points. They also show that thermal stresses resulting from transient thermal conditions can be substantially higher than those that would be predicted on the basis of equilibrium thermal conditions.
Similitude theory was used to determine the relationship that exists for the prediction of the thermal stresses in a prototype from measurements on a plastic model. The results show that the resulting v terms do not require any relationship between model and prototype that are insurmountable in the practical sense.
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Richard Charles Dove
Second Committee Member
Victor J. Skoglund
Third Committee Member
Charles Theron Grace
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Thunborg, Siegfried Jr.. "Determination of Thermal Stresses at Interior Points." (1962). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/145