Branch Mathematics and Statistics Faculty and Staff Publications

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The intent of this article is to show that wireless technology is, without remedy other than termination, one of the most devastating environmental and health threats and threats to personal liberty ever created. It is becoming widely known that 4G and 5G technologies cause many harms to human health. Cancer is only one problem, and one that is easily solved. 4G and 5G cause 720! (factorial) different maladies in human beings, and can kill everything that lives but some forms of micro organisms. Some pathogens and certain parasites are made more virulent by selected frequencies of RF. Insects and birds are already being killed by the RF broadcasts. The broadcasts can be controlled to give selected individuals selected maladies. All this needs to be stopped. There are other ways to communicate that do not require radio waves, nor wires, which cause no damage to any form of life. We need to make those methods available to the public, while all the RF systems are being phased out.

Publication Title

BAOJ Cancer Research & Therapy



Language (ISO)



wireless technology, health threats, cancer

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
