Branch Mathematics and Statistics Faculty and Staff Publications

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El n-ésimo Conjunto Potencia de un Conjunto {o Pn(S)} describe mejor nuestro mundo real, porque un sistema S (que puede ser una empresa, institución, asociación, país, sociedad, conjunto de objetos/plantas/animales/seres, conjunto de conceptos/ideas/proposiciones, etc.) está formado por subsistemas, que a su vez están formados por sub-subsistemas, y así sucesivamente. Demostramos que la Super Hiper Función es una generalización de la Función clásica, Super Función y la Hiper Función. Y el Super Hiper Álgebra, Super Hiper Gráfico son parte de la Super Hiper Estructura. Casi todas las estructuras en nuestro mundo real son Super Hiper Estructuras Neutrosóficas ya que tienen datos indeterminados/incompletos/inciertos/contradictorios. The n-th Power Set of a Set {or Pn(S)} best describes our real world, because a system S (which can be a company, institution, association, country, society, set of objects/plants/animals/beings, set of concepts/ideas/propositions, etc.) i s formed by subsystems, which in turn are formed by sub-subsystems, and so on. We show that the Super Hyper Function is a generalization of the classical Function, Super Function and the Hyper Function. And Super Hyper Algebra, Super Hyper Graph are part of Super Hyper Structure. Almost all structures in our real world are Neutrosophic Super Hyper Structures since they have indeterminate/incomplete/uncertain/uncertain/contradictory data.

Publication Title

Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning



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Power n-th set, Classical Function, Hyper Function, Super Function, Super Function, Super Hyper Function, Classical Operation, Hyper Operation, Super Hyper Operation, Super Hyper Operation, Classical Axiom, Hyper Axiom, Super Axiom, Super Axiom, Super Hyper Axiom, Classical Algebra, Hyper Algebra, Super Hyper Algebra, Super Hyper Neutrosophic Algebra, Super Hyper Graph, Super Hyper Graph, Super Hyper Topology, Classical Structure, Hyper Structure, Super Hyper Structure, Super Hyper Structure, Super Hyper Neutrosophic Structure

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