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Neutrosophic Physics.

Let A be a physical entity (i.e. concept, notion, object, space, field, idea, law, property, state, attribute, theorem, theory, etc.), antiA be the opposite of A, and neutA be their neutral (i.e. neither A nor antiA, but in between).

Neutrosophic Physics is a mixture of two or three of these entities A, antiA, and neutA that hold together.

Therefore, we can have neutrosophic fields, and neutrosophic objects, neutrosophic states, etc.

Paradoxist Physics.

Neutrosophic Physics is an extension of Paradoxist Physics, since Paradoxist Physics is a combination of physical contradictories A and antiA only that hold together, without referring to their neutrality neutA. Paradoxist Physics describes collections of objects or states that are individually characterized by contradictory properties, or are characterized neither by a property nor by the opposite of that property, or are composed of contradictory sub-elements. Such objects or states are called paradoxist entities.

These domains of research were set up by the editor in the 1998 within the frame of neutrosophy, neutrosophic logic/set/probability/statistics.

This book includes papers by Larissa Borissova, Dmitri Rabounski, Indranu Suhendro, Florentin Smarandache, Thomas R. Love, and Ervin Goldfain. And Comments on Neutrosophic Physics by Dmitri Rabounski, Thomas R. Love, Ervin Goldfain, Diego Lucio Rapoport (Argentina), Armando Assis (Brazil), and Russell Bagdoo (Canada).


There are many cases in the scientific (and also in humanistic) fields that two or three of these items A, antiA, and neutA simultaneously coexist.

Several Examples of paradoxist and neutrosophic entities:

- anions in two spatial dimensions are arbitrary spin particles that are neither bosons (integer spin) nor fermions (half integer spin);

- among possible Dark Matter candidates there may be exotic particles that are neither Dirac nor Majorana fermions;

- mercury (Hg) is a state that is neither liquid nor solid under normal conditions at room temperature;

- non-magnetic materials are neither ferromagnetic nor anti-ferromagnetic;

- quark gluon plasma (QGP) is a phase formed by quasi-free quarks and gluons that behaves neither like a conventional plasma nor as an ordinary liquid;

- unmatter, which is formed by matter and antimatter that bind together (Smarandache, 2004);

- neutral kaon, which is a pion & anti-pion composite (Santilli, 1978) and thus a form of unmatter;

- neutrosophic methods in General Relativity (Rabounski-Smarandache-Borissova, 2005);

- neutrosophic cosmological model (Rabounski-Borissova, 2011);

- neutrosophic gravitation (Rabounski);

- qubit and generally quantum superposition of states;

- semiconductors are neither conductors nor isolators;

- semi-transparent optical components are neither opaque nor perfectly transparent to light;

- quantum states are metastable (neither perfectly stable, nor unstable);

- neutrino-photon doublet (Goldfain);

- the “multiplet” of elementary particles is a kind of ‘neutrosophic field’ with two or more values (Ervin Goldfain, 2011);

- A "neutrosophic field" can be generalized to that of operators whose action is selective. The effect of the neutrosophic field is somehow equivalent with the “tunneling” from the solid physics, or with the “spontaneous symmetry breaking" (SSB) where there is an internal symmetry which is broken by a particular selection of the vacuum state (Ervin Goldfain).



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neutrosophic physics, paradoxist physics, anions, non-magnetic materials, quark gluon plasma, unmatter, neutral kaon, neutrosophic cosmological model, neutrosophic gravitation, qubit quantum superposition of states, semiconductors, multiplet

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