"Interval neutrosophic sets and logic; theory and applications in comp" by Haibin Wang, Florentin Smarandache et al.

Branch Mathematics and Statistics Faculty and Staff Publications

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This book presents the advancements and applications of neutrosophics. Chapter 1 first introduces the interval neutrosophic sets which is an instance of neutrosophic sets. In this chapter, the definition of interval neutrosophic sets and set-theoretic operators are given and various properties of interval neutrosophic set are proved. Chapter 2 defines the interval neutrosophic logic based on interval neutrosophic sets including the syntax and semantics of first order interval neutrosophic propositional logic and first order interval neutrosophic predicate logic. The interval neutrosophic logic can reason and model fuzzy, incomplete and inconsistent information. In this chapter, we also design an interval neutrosophic inference system based on first order interval neutrosophic predicate logic. The interval neutrosophic inference system can be applied to decision making. Chapter 3 gives one application of interval neutrosophic sets and logic in the field of relational databases. Neutrosophic data model is the generalization of fuzzy data model and paraconsistent data model. Here, we generalize various set-theoretic and relation-theoretic operations of fuzzy data model to neutrosophic data model. Chapter 4 gives another application of interval neutrosophic logic. A soft semantic Web Services agent framework is proposed to facilitate the registration and discovery of high quality semantic Web Services agent. The intelligent inference engine module of soft Semantic Web Services agent is implemented using interval neutrosophic logic. The neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic set, neutrosophic probability, and neutrosophic statistics are increasingly used in engineering applications (especially for software and information fusion), medicine, military, cybernetics, physics.



Language (ISO)



neutrosophy, interval neutrosophic set, interval neutrosophic logic
