Latin American Studies ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-12-2025


In repurposing academic spaces for healing, this project is meant to culminate in an artefact that aligns with decolonial educational practices, focusing on accessibility. In doing so, this project braids multimodality, re-represented history, and testimonio of various genres: personal narrative, Latinx story and resistance, critical examination of history and reproductions of information to depict my experience of detaching from cultural identity through assimilation and acculturation in the United States in education. In what I have called the process of leaving me rootless, I no longer had access to the places, people, identity, or language that established belonging. However, through Latin American related subjects such as testimonio pedagogy, Mexican history, Chicanx & Latinx literature, as well as multimodality in the classroom (comics, film, music) as sites of literacy and in support of multiliteracies, I started the process of replanting, re-membering, and restitching myself through educational spaces that became critical sites of healing.




testimonio, multimodality, decolonial education, graphic novel

Document Type


Degree Name

Latin American Studies

Level of Degree


Department Name

Latin American Studies

First Committee Member (Chair)

Carlos LópezLeiva

Second Committee Member

Kency Cornejo

Third Committee Member

Mia Sosa-Provencio

Fourth Committee Member

Ashley Dallacqua

Available for download on Thursday, May 15, 2025
