Latin American Studies ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 6-1-1953


Space is a basic conditioner of man’s every global activity. In space—and in time—exist bis cultural systems. The prime concern here will be with certain spatial or territorial aspects of human organization related to an agricultural village—Ejido Guadiana—-in the Mexican north-central state of San Luis Potosi. Man has been always, and is still, inherently earth-bound. The locus of all his social groupings—from family through village, city and the national state—is territory or area. The identification and description of the locale of man’s associative life has uppermost the fact of territoriality. That identification and description seems to be an indispensable preliminary to any additional analysis of spatial associations in more refined theoretical constructs. For example, a problem such as settlement distribution requires that the fundamental data on locality group sites, services available, transportation links, and occupational composition of the population be delineated.

The central hypothesis of this study was that the geographically identifiable rural community of Guadiana could be measured operationally and 'would be found to correspond to the concept of ''service-area community." The problem's main focus therefore was on (1) mapping the essential spatial relations of the ejido, (2) delimiting its locality groups, and (3) establishing the trade- and service-area community.




Guadiana, Service-Community Theory, Central-Place Theory, Rancho Grande de Guadiana, Villa de Reyes Village

Document Type


Degree Name

Latin American Studies

Level of Degree


Department Name

Latin American Studies

First Committee Member (Chair)

Ezra W. Geddes

Second Committee Member

Paul Walter Jr.

Third Committee Member

