"Brief for the National Stripper Well Association as Amicus Curiae, L. " by Joseph A. Schremmer and Charles C. Steincamp

Document Type

Court Filing

Publication Date



In its briefings, the Class in this appeal, in spite of the evidence, evokes the myth of a great conspiracy between operators and marketers, and it advances a theory that threatens impermissible economic and underground waste of natural gas resources. The language of the parties' oil and gas leases, on the other hand, sets up bargained-for arrangement that enables the parties to share in the benefits of stripper gas production and promotes conservation of the state's natural gas reserves.

Publication Title

Supreme Court in the State of Kansas


Case 120611

Last Page

41 pages total


L. Ruth Fawcett Trust, Cindy K. Page-Colmer v. Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas

District Court Case No. 2011-CV-000090



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