"Why Are Women Lawyers Underrepresented in Criminal Justice?" by Maryam Ahranjani

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When the ABA’s Criminal Justice Section (CJS) created the Women in Criminal Justice Task Force (TF) in 2019, we knew that women lawyers in the criminal sector were underrepresented in the workforce, but we did not know why. Thus, the TF set out to investigate the challenges facing women criminal lawyers in hiring, retention, and promotion. By assembling a group of women with diverse lived and professional experiences, cochairs Professor Carla Laroche and Tina Luongo sought to elevate women’s voices previously not heard by CJS and develop and promote strategies to achieve full inclusion of those voices in CJS, the ABA, and the profession.

To read more about the TF’s work, check out “Toughen Up, Buttercup” v. #TimesUp: Initial Findings of the ABA Women in Criminal Justice Task Force.


American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division, Criminal Law

Publication Title

TYL Magazine

Included in

Law Commons



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