"Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeal" by John P. LaVelle, Geoffrey R. Romero et al.

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The petitioners argue:

1) Supervisory Review is Needed Because the District Court and the Ninth Circuit Automatically Aligned U.S. Highway 160 with Alienated, Non-Indian Fee Land, Ignoring this Court’s Context-Specific, Multifactor Methodology for Determining the Status of Reservation Roadways for Tribal Jurisdictional Purposes.

2) Supervisory Review is Also Necessary Because Both Lower Courts Refused to Apply Supreme Court Precedents Governing Whether an Indian Tribe Retains Treaty-Based Authority over the Conduct of Nonmembers on a Tribe’s Reservation, Effecting an Impermissible Judicial Abrogation of the Navajo Nation’s Congressionally Confirmed, Treaty-Based Jurisdiction in This Case.

3) Supervisory Review is Further Needed Because Both Lower Courts’ Denial of the Navajo Nation’s Retained Inherent Sovereignty over the Tour Bus/Auto Collision Conflicts with This Court’s Precedents for Proper Application of the Montana Exceptions.


United States Supreme Court | Counsel Press


Docket Number 15,64

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Tribal Jurisdiction



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