"Recommendations For An Environmentally Sound Federal Policy on Western" by Reed D. Benson

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The organizations and individuals who have produced this report have worked for years to promote environmentally sound federal policy and action with respect to water in the American West. The Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission's (the "Commission") evaluation of these issues presents an excellent opportunity to address long-standing concerns. We believe the Commission can help advance federal policy to promote sustainable use, management and protection of western waters. We begin with a brief look at current water problems in the West from our perspective. We then identify four general priorities for the federal government: taking steps toward restoring more natural conditions, using economic tools to promote environmentally sound water use, maintaining federal involvement as needed to protect national interests, and improving the approach to water resource decisions. Within each of these four areas, we offer a few more specific recommendations.

Publication Title

Stanford Environmental Law Journal



First Page



Delivered to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission on April 30, 1997



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