"Executive Summary on Reciprocity" by Alexandra Siek, Barbara Lah et al.

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Law students Daniel Marquez and Patrick Redmond. under the supervision of University of New Mexico Law Librarians Barbara Lah and Alexandra Siek, researched the issue of reciprocity and bar membership. This is a short summary of the memorandum discussing the findings of that research. Collectively the memos discuss the following issues raised by reciprocity: l) the various forms of reciprocal licensing schemes: 2) the impact that reciprocal licensing has had on bar membership 3) a comparison of reciprocal licensing to admission pro hac vice; 4) legal issues such as constitutional concerns raised by the adoption or rejection of reciprocity; and 5) professional issues. This summary was attached to a case pleading filed May 2013 by the Supreme Court of the State of New Mexico, titled: Recommendation and Petition in Support of Amendments to the Rules Governing Admission to the Bar of New Mexico to Provide for Reciprocal Admission by Motion.

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Supreme Court of the State of New Mexico

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Law Commons



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