"The Quest for Educational Opportunity: Access to Legal and Medical Edu" by Leo M. Romero

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ACCESS of minority group members to higher education is one of the burning social and legal issues of our time. The issue centers around two problems: first, how can the number of minority students in higher education be increased, and, second, can it be done in a way that does not abuse the constitution? As institutions of higher learning, both medical and law schools have been the focus of this issue, primarily due to the intense competition among applicants for the limited number of positions available. l In addition, medical schools and law schools have been the recent targets of lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of special admissions programs. It should be emphasized, however, that this issue is not peculiar to professional schools, but presents itself whenever a school of higher education with limited positions available attempts to increase minority enrollment.

Publication Title

New Mexico Historical Review



First Page


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Law Commons



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