"Grooming Crossovers" by Alfred Dennis Mathewson

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This article is about the influence of African-American athletes on sports and sports law in the United States. It begins with an examination of the crossover Black athlete, one who is able to transcend color in popular consciousness and appeal to appeal to a racially diverse audience. This article studies African-American athletes from the 1950s to the present, and explores two distinct crossover models: the Jackie Robinson Model and the Orenthal James (O.J.) Simpson Model. The article argues that the initial wave of African-American athletes were groomed to integrate predominantly White educational and sports institutions. The article further maintains that African-American had a profound impact on sports and the development of legal rules applicable to sports, particularly those relating to issues of free agency and academic eligibility.

Publication Title

Journal of Gender, Race and Justice



First Page


Included in

Law Commons



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