Patients' Rights in Program Evaluation
Book Chapter
Book Title
Program Evaluation For Mental Health: Methods, Strategies, Participants
Robert D. Coursey
First Page
412 pages
Table of Contents:
The need, history, definition, and limits of program evaluation / Robert D. Coursey
Basic questions and tasks / Robert D. Coursey
The dimensions of an evaluation system for community mental health centers / Roger Mitchell
An overview of techniques and models of program evaluation / Robert D. Coursey
Needs assessment / Roger Bell
Progarm evaluation, systems theory and output value analysis / Joseph Halpern
A management by objectives approach to program evaluation / Willaim Porter
Will goal attainment scaling solve the problems of program evaluation in the mental health field? / Robert Sherman
The automated tri-informant goal-oriented note / Nancy Wilson
The Denver Community Mental Health Questionnare / James Ciarlo
Issues in evaluating children's services / James Walker
The review and evaluation of consultation activities in a community mental health center / Solomon Cytrynbaum
Evaluation of community action programs / Michael Brophy
Evaluation of educational and training programs / Irwin L. Goldstein
Approaching program evaluation / Marguerite McIntyre
Starting an internal evaluation program / Wagner Zinober
Conducting a program evaluation / Stanley Murrell
Judging program evaluations / Stanley Murrell
The uses and abuses of outside evaluator / Gerald A. Specter
Staff participation in program evaluation / Robert D. Coursey
Patient rights in program evaluation / James W. Ellis --
Evaluation by citizens / Carol I. Weiss
Resources to aid mental health program evaluation / Charles Windle
An annotated bibliography of readings in program evaluation / Glen Strobel.
Publication Date
New York, NY
Grune & Stratton
Recommended Citation
Ellis, James W.. "Patients' Rights in Program Evaluation." Program Evaluation For Mental Health: Methods, Strategies, Participants (1977): 412 pages. https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/law_facbookdisplay/82