"Lunching with Max Evans" by Sherri L. Burr
Lunching with Max Evans

Lunching with Max Evans


Book Chapter

Book Title

The Storyteller's Anthology: Presented by SouthWest Writers


Peggy Herrington

First Page


Last Page




When a flood decimated the offices of a premiere U.S. writers group, moving wasn’t optional—it was mandatory. Months later, its treasury still depleted, SouthWest Writer’s (SWW) president asked for fund-raising ideas at a Saturday meeting. “Let’s publish an eBook!” came the response from a long-standing member in the hundred-plus audience, and The Storyteller’s Anthology was born. Dozens of SWW members (aided by best-selling authors) donated prose, poetry and photos which were, in turn, groomed by SWW members with editing chops, to produce this first-class anthology. Everything was donated—including editing and book design—to raise funds for the nonprofit organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico known as SouthWest Writers. In this book you will be delighted, entertained, and surprised by the hard-hitting introduction by Anne Hillerman, daughter of beloved southwestern mystery master, the late Tony Hillerman; the killer short story by none-other than the thriller king himself, David Morrell; a short story that’s southwestern to the bone by Chuck Greaves; and a tale with a southern twist by SWW member Sarah Storme/Baker. Eleven delightful short stories follow, along with five intriguing book excerpts, three memoirs, eight juicy essays and nonfiction offerings, and nine poems—recommended for those not into poetry—complete this fine collection. You’ll learn how SouthWest Writers was formed in the 1980s and what makes the group a magnet for would be and published writers alike, most, but not all of whom, reside and write in New Mexico. The Land of Enchantment will come to life before your eyes in their original prose, poetry and photos as presented in The Storyteller’s Anthology.



Publication Date



Albuquerque, NM


Herrington House Publishing



Lunching with Max Evans
