"Teacher's Manual to Accompany Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problem" by Robert Schwartz, Barry R. Furrow et al.





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St. Paul, MN


West (Thomson Reuters)




For more than two decades, Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problemshas defined the field of health law, providing a balanced overview of law as it affects patients, professionals, institutions, and entities that deliver and finance U.S. health care. The 7th Edition of Health Law comprehensively reviews the provisions of the Affordable Care Act with topics such as the oversight of quality (including the latest developments in patient safety), cost control (including consumer-directed health care), guarantees of adequate access to services, exempt-organization tax issues, transactions and relationships among health care professionals and providers, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and malpractice litigation. The Supreme Court decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius is carefully edited to present all the issues in the case.

Written without a policy bias to fairly reflect all viewpoints, the book considers legal and ethical issues involving death, human reproduction, medical treatment decision making, and medical research. It also explores the government's efforts to control costs and expand access through Medicare and Medicaid and examines government attempts to police anticompetitive activities, fraud, and abuse. Using carefully edited primary materials and effective classroom-tested problems, the book exposes students to the core issues in health law using the most recent judicial and statutory materials.

Teacher's Manual to Accompany Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems

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Law Commons



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