This collection of court documents ranges from 1983 - 2001, with most produced during the late 1990s. The court documents regularly reference Pueblo of Sandia v. Babbitt (1998) (U.S.D. CT. NO. 94-2624). In Pueblo of Sandia v. Babbitt, the Pueblo sued the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture seeking a judgment designating the main ridge of the Sandia Mountains as the Pueblo's eastern boundary and directing the Interior Secretary to correct the 1859 survey.
Submissions from 2001
Solicitor Leshy Opinion--Eastern Boundary of the Sandia Pueblo Grant, John D. Leshy
Submissions from 1999
Docket as of July 14, 1999--Pueblo of Sandia v. Babbitt, et al, United States District Court District of Columbia
Submissions from 1998
Appellants Bernalillo County's & Sandia Mountain Coalition's Amended Certificate of Counsel, Thomas R. Bartman
Entry of Appearance (Bernalillo County & Sandia Mountain Coalition), Thomas R. Bartman
Notice of Appeal--Bernalillo County and Sandia Mountain Coalition, Thomas R. Bartman
Praecipe--Change of Address, Thomas R. Bartman
Statement As To Use of Deferred Appendix, Thomas R. Bartman
Appellants' Certificate of Counsel, Thomas R. Bartman, Bernalillo County New Mexico, and Sandia Mountain Coalition
Appellants' Statement of Issues on Appeal, Thomas R. Bartman, Bernalillo County New Mexico, and Sandia Mountain Coalition
Certificate of Service, Thomas R. Bartman, Bernalillo County New Mexico, and Sandia Mountain Coalition
Docketing Statement (Bernalillo County & Sandia Mountain Coalition), Thomas R. Bartman, Bernalillo County New Mexico, and Sandia Mountain Coalition
Report Concerning Completion of Transcript, Thomas R. Bartman, Bernalillo County New Mexico, and Sandia Mountain Coalition
Certificate of Service for Serving Federal Defendants' Response to Plaintiff's Request for Oral Argument, Andrew M. Eschen
Notice of Appeal--Plaintiffs, Andrew M. Eschen
Opinion Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment, Harold H. Greene
Entry of Appearance (Sandia Pueblo), Peter T. Grossi Jr.
Appellee Pueblo of Sandia Local Rule 28(a)(1) Certificate, Peter T. Grossi Jr. and James M. Rosenthal
Memorandum--The Story, Kyle Harwood
Certificate of Service (Federal Appellants'), Marta Hoilman
Docketing Statement (Federal), Marta Hoilman
Federal Appellants' Certificate as to Parties, Rulings, and Related Cases, Marta Hoilman
Federal Appellants' Report Certifying That All Necessary Transcripts Have Been Completed, Marta Hoilman
Federal Appellants' Statement of Issues To Be Raised on Appeal, Marta Hoilman
Statement That Deferred Appendix Will Be Utilized, Marta Hoilman
Joint Motion to Hold Consolidated Appeals in Abeyance Pending Settlement Negotiations, Marta Hoilman and Thomas R. Bartman
Entry of Appearance (Federal), Marta Hoilman, Ann E. Peterson, and Andy M. Eschen
Order to Consolidate No.98-5428 and No.98-5451, Mark J. Langer and Elizabeth V. Scott
Certificate of Service (Sandia Pueblo), James Rosenthal
Order Requesting Documents from Federal Appellant, Elizabeth V. Scott and Mark J. Langer
Order Requesting Documents, Elizabeth V. Scott, Mark J. Langer, and United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia
Submissions from 1997
Bernalillo's County's Cross-motion for Summary Judgment, Thomas R. Bartman and Carol E. Dinkins
Intervenor-Defendant Bernalillo County's Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment and in Support of County's Cross-motion for Summary Judgment, Thomas R. Bartman and Carol E. Dinkins
Federal Defendants' Statement of Genuine Issues in Response to Plaintiff's Statement of Undisputed Facts, Andrew M. Eschen
Stipulation for Enlargement of Time to Answer Complaint, Andrew M. Eschen
Order Granting Motion for Extension, Harold H. Greene
Order Granting Motion to Intervene, Harold H. Greene
Plaintiff's Reply to Defendants' Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment, and Plaintiff's Response to Defendants' Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment, Peter T. Grossi Jr.
Plaintiff's Response to Bernalillo County's Proposed Uncontroverted Facts, Peter T. Grossi Jr.
Submissions from 1996
Errata--Motion for a Status Conference, Thomas R. Bartman
Affidavit of Elizabeth A. Brandt, Ph.D. (with Resume), Elizabeth A. Brandt
Opinion Denying Defendants' Motion to Dismiss, Harold H. Greene
Affidavit of Rick Hendricks, Ph.D. (with Resume), Rick Hendricks
History of the Boundaries of the Pueblo of Sandia, 1748-1860, Stanley M. Hordes
Affidavit of L. Lamar Parrish, L. Lamar Parrish
Submissions from 1995
Exhibits to Motion to Intervene and Memorandum of Law in Support, United States District Court District of Columbia
Affidavit of Kate Goldblum, Kate Goldblum
Affidavit of Kenneth Goldblum, Kenneth Goldblum
Affidavit of Shannon Gurbaxani, Shannon Gurbaxani
Certificate of Conference, Kimberly Z. Lesniak
Affidavit of Anita P. Miller, Anita P. Miller
Affidavit of Viola Miller, Viola Miller
Submissions from 1994
Affidavit of Paul Fore, Paul Fore
Affidavit of Arthur Gardenswartz, Arthur Gardenswartz
Proceedings in regard to the construction of the Mission and Pueblo of our Lady of Sorrow of Sandia, concerning which this attestation, to the letter, is sent to the Superior Government of this New Spain as will be Perceived within etc., Fray Juan Miguel Menchero, Joachin Codallos y Rabal, Bernardo Antonio de Bustamante y Tagle, and Myra Ellen Jenkins
Submissions from 1988
Solicitor Tarr Opinion--Pueblo of Sandia Boundary, Ralph W. Tarr
Submissions from 1987
Solicitor Vollmann Opinion--Pueblo of Sandia Boundary, Tim Vollmann
Submissions from 1985
Anthropological Report on Land Use: Pueblo of Sandia, Elizabeth A. Brandt
A Report of the Sandia Pueblo East Boundary on Sandia Mountain, MilforD T. Keene
Submissions from 1983
Memorandum--Pueblo of Sandia Grant - Eastern Boundary, Sidney L. Mills