LAII Events

On March 7, 2014, the UNM International Studies Institute and UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute, among others, hosted Dr. Marjorie Agosín at the University of New Mexico. According to Voices from the Gap, "Agosín is well known as a poet, critic, and human activist. She is also a well-known spokesperson for the plight and priorities of women in Third World countries. Her deep social concerns and accomplishments have earned her many awards and recognitions, and she has gained an international reputation among contemporary women of color. Agosín, a passionate writer, has received critical acclaim for her poetry collections, her close reflections on her parents and family, and her multi-layered stories." Agosín currently teaches at Wellesly College, where she is the Luella LaMer Slaner Professor of Spanish.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Agosín, Dr. Marjorie. "The Exile Writer and the Literary Imagination in the Americas." (2014).