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A large coalition is being formed to oppose two nuclear-power plants that the Brazilian government plans to build in the northeast. At the same time, sectors of some states in the area are competing for the plants in the hope of generating income and jobs. Social and environmental organizations believe that the region, which has the greatest inequality in the country, cannot afford this project. The announced construction of the two nuclear plants has renewed criticism of the Programa Nuclear Brasileiro, which oversaw construction of two nuclear facilities in the city of Angra dos Reis in Rio de Janeiro state. Angra 1 was built by US firm Westinghouse and Angra 2 was built by Siemens-KWE under the Acordo Nuclear Brasil-Alemanha, signed in the 1970s during the 1964-1985 military dictatorship. The Brazil-German agreement envisioned construction of eight nuclear-energy plants in Brazil, but only Angra 2 has been completed. The Angra-3 plant is under construction, with participation of the French group Areva. Angra 3 is scheduled to become operational in 2014, according to the Plano Decenal de Expansao de Energia (PDE) 2007-2016. Nevertheless, strong opposition from various sectors of civil society, as well as legal and technical questions, has caused delays.


