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Have you ever found educational material online that you would love to incorporate into your educational activities, but werent sure whether you could? Or, have you ever shared your own educational materials, only to see it turn up on someone else's website without your permission? This session will address copyright as it applies to educators, both for creating your own materials as well as reusing others' in your curriculum. We will attempt to demystify the various aspects of copyright so educators walk away with knowledge they can apply to the classroom today. We will discuss different licensing options available to everyone, from standardized copyright statements to the various Creative Commons licenses, and participants will be able to determine which method best suits their needs. Contrary to common belief, copyright isn't terribly difficult to understand. Managing copyright and respecting the rights of others who have shared their work is relatively easy if you know what to look for, and the information provided in this presentation will give participants the tools to understand and make effective decisions when sharing their work.'
Document Type
Copyright, Fair Use, Creative Commons
Recommended Citation
Nash, Jacob L.. "Can I Use That? Copyright and Licensing for Health Sciences Educators." (2015).

Presented at HSC Education Day, 2015. This Presentation is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.