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Question/Purpose: To describe and demonstrate the virtual online world Second Life (SL) in the context of education, library, and health seeking behavior. Setting/Participants: An educator, a librarian, and a health seeking SL resident participate in a learner -oriented vignette on the SL Health Info Island. Brief Description: The authors will briefly describe the online virtual world SL, the relevant information seeking uses of the world, how the authors became interested in applying the online setting to health education and information dissemination, a few of the technological and social shortcomings of the site, and show a pre-recorded health education vignette in SL. Outcome: Over 7 million people worldwide have experienced SL. In many ways, the SL residents are using the virtual world in a manner similar to the geographically bounded world: meeting and communicating life experiences with new people, participating in an astonishing variety of educational sessions, and seeking informed and meaningful interaction with health professionals. Conclusion: As the world matures and SL locations become standardized with rules and interaction protocols, there will be a definite need for accurate and timely informational exchanges. There is already an information revolution occurring in SL, are you ready?
Document Type
Second Life, Education, Information Seeking, Health Education, UNM HSLIC, Learning Design Center
Recommended Citation
Phillips, Holly E.; Deborah K. LaPointe; Geoffrey Alexander; and Nathaniel Schneider. "Re-imagining Your Professional Boundaries and Future Patrons: Are You Ready for Your Second Life?." (2007).

Presentation at the South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association, October 22, 2007.