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Dr. Deb LaPointe and Claire Conrad performed a research project designed to answer the question: Wikis in Higher Education: Collaborative by Nature or Design? The research results were submitted as a poster at the South Central Medical Library Conference in Albuquerque in October 2007. Seven law students and six graduate students were interviewed. The students had been required to post content to wikis as a course requirement. The law students had posted content to the law clinic wiki while enrolled as students in the law school clinic. The six graduate students posted content to a wiki as part of Dr. LaPointes class on the Theory and Practice of Distance Learning in the College of Education. The students were interviewed and the results of the interviews were summarized in the poster. The research concluded that although wikis are easy to use and relatively inexpensive, designing wikis to actually be collaborative workspaces and guiding students to feel confident editing others' contributions requires investment of thought and planning. The poster received a second place award at the SCMLA Conference.'
Document Type
Learning Object
Wikis, Online Education, Web 2.0, Course Management System, PBwiki
Recommended Citation
Conrad, Claire and Deb LaPointe. "Poster: South Central Medical Library Conference." (2007).

Deb LaPointe and Claire Conrad conducted a research project on Wikis in educational settings during the Fall 2007 semester, which involved seven UNM law students who were posting content to the law school clinic's wiki. This poster describing the research project was presented at the South Central Medical Library Conference in Albuquerque in October, 2007. The poster received a 2nd place award.