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Download Full Text (814 KB)

Download TLP MLA Poster Narrative (73 KB)

Download TLP Field Trip Agenda 2023 (80 KB)

Download TLP CDD Presentation 2023 (3.2 MB)

Download TLP PubMed Presentation 2023 (208 KB)

Download TLP Budget 2023 (70 KB)

Download TLP Folder Contents (55 KB)


The poster and collaborative materials are available for download. Here are the attached materials contribution information.

File: TLP MLA Poster Narrative

Authors: Deirdre Caparoso, MLIS, Cassandra Osterloh, MLS, MA, Tracy Garcia, Deborah Rhue, MLIS, AHIP

Affiliations: HSLIC, New Mexico State Library, Santo Domingo Pueblo Library

Abstract/description: Longer narrative accompanying Collaborating for Strength and Knowledge: A Tribal Libraries Program Field Trip to an Academic Health Sciences Library, a poster presented at the Medical Library Association 2024 Annual Conference.

Abstract/description: poster, Medical Library Association, tribal libraries program, health sciences library, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, HSLIC, New Mexico State Library

File: TLP Field Trip Agenda 2023

Author: Deirdre Caparoso, MLIS

Affiliation: HSLIC

Abstract/description: Agenda for the 2023 Tribal Libraries Field Trip to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center.

Keywords: agenda, schedule, tribal libraries program, health sciences library, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, HSLIC, New Mexico State Library

File: TLP CDD Presentation 2023

Author: Emily Roberts, MLIS

Affiliation: UNM Center for Development and Disability

Abstract/description: PowerPoint of the presentation on Center for Development and Disability resources delivered at the 2023 Tribal Libraries Field Trip to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center.

Keywords: services, tribal libraries program, presentation, powerpoint, training, resources, Center for Development and Disability, CDD, health sciences library, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, HSLIC, New Mexico State Library

File: TLP PubMed Presentation 2023

Author: Deborah Rhue, MLIS, AHIP

Affiliation: HSLIC

Abstract/description: PowerPoint of the presentation on PubMed delivered at the 2023 Tribal Libraries Field Trip to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center.

Keywords: PubMed, tribal libraries program, presentation, training, database, powerpoint, health sciences library, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, HSLIC, New Mexico State Library

File: TLP Budget 2023

Author: George Hernandez

Affiliation: HSLIC

Abstract/description: Spreadsheet including all expenses relating to the 2023 Tribal Libraries Field Trip to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center.

Keywords: budget, spreadsheet, tribal libraries program, outreach, health sciences library, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, HSLIC, New Mexico State Library

File: TLP Folder Contents

Abstract/description: List of materials included in the folder provided to participants in the 2023 Tribal Libraries Field Trip to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center.

Keywords: resources, tribal libraries program, health sciences library, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, HSLIC, New Mexico State Library

Document Type


Conference/Presentation Location

Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, May 2024




tribal libraries

TLP MLA Poster Narrative.pdf (73 kB)
TLP MLA Poster Narrative

TLP Field Trip Agenda 2023.pdf (80 kB)
TLP Field Trip Agenda 2023

TLP CDD Presentation 2023.pdf (3246 kB)
TLP CDD Presentation 2023

TLP PubMed Presentation 2023.pdf (208 kB)
TLP PubMed Presentation 2023

TLP Budget 2023.pdf (70 kB)
TLP Budget 2023

TLP Folder Contents.pdf (55 kB)
TLP Folder Contents

Collaborating for Strength and Knowledge: A Tribal Libraries Program Field Trip to an Academic Health Sciences Library
