Issues in Establishing a Culture of Assessment in a Complex Academic Health Sciences Library

Sally Bowler-Hill
Janis Teal

Abstract and poster from the 2006 Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS) Annual Meeting


This poster reports HSLICs experience creating a culture of assessment through the administration of customer satisfaction surveys for its library and technology support services. HSLIC's goal is to create a unified assessment culture in which services are evaluated regularly, generating a picture of the overall effectiveness of the organization. The LibQUAL+\u2122 survey was employed to evaluate library services. A technology support survey was developed in-house because an environmental scan did not reveal any standardized surveys for technology support services. The use of varying survey methodologies limits HSLIC's ability to integrate survey data and assess overall strengths and weaknesses besides adversely affecting the development of a unified culture of assessment. Further, the technology support survey does not afford the opportunity to benchmark against similar institutions. HSLIC will evaluate the cost-benefit of creating in-house surveys that better align with LibQUAL+\u2122 versus accepting inherent discrepancies derived from using different methodologies.'