Current State of Laboratory Automation in Clinical Microbiology Laboratory

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BACKGROUND: Although it has been 30 years since the first automation systems were introduced in the microbiology laboratory, total laboratory automation (TLA) has only recently been recognized as a valuable component of the laboratory. A growing number of publications illustrate the potential impact of automation. TLA can improve standardization, increase laboratory efficiency, increase workplace safety, and reduce long-term costs.

CONTENT: This review provides a preview of the current state of automation in clinical microbiology and covers the main developments during the last years. We describe the available hardware systems (that range from single function devices to multifunction workstations) and the challenging alterations on workflow and organization of the laboratory that have to be implemented to optimize automation.

SUMMARY: Despite the many advantages in efficiency, productivity, and timeliness that automation offers, it is not without new and unique challenges. For every advantage that laboratory automation provides, there are similar challenges that a laboratory must face. Change management strategies should be used to lead to a successful implementation. TLA represents, moreover, a substantial initial investment. Nevertheless, if properly approached, there are a number of important benefits that can be achieved through implementation of automation in the clinical microbiology laboratory. Future developments in the field of automation will likely focus on image analysis and artificial intelligence improvements. Patient care, however, should remain the epicenter of all future directions and there will always be a need for clinical microbiology expertise to interpret the complex clinical and laboratory information.
