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CONTEXT.—: Metastatic mucinous tumors present a diagnostic challenge for pathologists as tumor histomorphology is often nonspecific and optimal immunoprofiles are still under investigation.

OBJECTIVE.—: To present a head-to-head comparison of special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2 (SATB2) and caudal type homeobox 2 (CDX2) expression in a diverse array of primary mucinous tumors.

DESIGN.—: SATB2 and CDX2 immunohistochemical stains were performed on whole sections from 44 mucinous colorectal carcinomas and 175 noncolorectal mucinous tumors. A nuclear scoring system measuring intensity (0-3+) and percentage staining (0 =

RESULTS.—: SATB2 demonstrated acceptable accuracy at low to moderate expression levels (H-scores of 1-4). With these H-score cutoffs, overall accuracy was greater than 90%. In contrast, CDX2's accuracy rivaled that of SATB2 only at an H-score of 5 (89.0%), as its specificity suffered at lower expression levels (

CONCLUSIONS.—: SATB2 is a more accurate marker of colorectal origin across a variety of expression levels compared with CDX2 when applied to mucinous tumors from a host of primary sites. However, these stains are near equivalent when each is interpreted at its optimal expression level.
