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LETTER TO THE EDITORTotal plasma volume determinations for patients withpotentially challenging conditions requiring therapeuticplasma exchange: Dealer's choiceTo the Editor:Determination of total blood volume (TBV) and totalplasma volume (TPV) are essential steps in the process ofinitiating therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE).1Regardlessof the specific disease for which a procedure is to be per-formed, apheresis instruments typically require height,weight, sex, and hematocrit data to calculate TPV. For rou-tine patients, these calculations are generally straightfor-ward to perform and are accurate. However, certainconditions raise the concern of possibly inaccurate TPVdeterminations. These potentially challenging conditionsinclude obesity, pregnancy, and limb amputation. Despitenumerous modifications available to typical TBV and TPVcalculations that can be used for patients with suchcircumstances, consternation anecdotally exists when con-fronted with performing these routine apheresiscomputations.
